All Products are subject to availability. Once an order is placed you will receive an email confirmation containing the detail of your order.
We offer free shipping on all products when paid for online by credit card or debit card. Once shipped please allow 3-5 working days from dispatch for your goods to reach the destination.
We ship to almost all major countries- India, USA, Middle East, Europe, Japan and Hong Kong at a flat rate calculated by weight for different zones. Please do note Nesolo does not take responsibility if the packet gets held at customs or at any other point in the destination country.
Once an order has been placed on our website we are unable to modify or cancel the order for any reason.
All features, content, specifications, products and prices of products and services descripted or depicted on this website are subject to change at any time without notice. Certain weights, measures and similar descriptions are approximate and are provided for convenience purposes only. We make all reasonable efforts to accurately display the attributes of our products, including the applicable colours however, the actual colour you see will depend on your computer system and we cannot guarantee that your computer will accurately display such colours. The inclusion of any product or services in this website at a particular time does not imply or warrant that these products are services will be available at any time. It is your responsibility to ascertain and obey all applicable local, state, federal and international laws (including minimum age requirements) in regard to the possession, use and sale of any item purchased from this website. By placing an order, you represent that the products order will be used only in lawful manner.